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          The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Certificate of Fine Art in Painting

          The University of Pennsylvania



            Burton Silverman, Marc Hanson, Margaret Baumgaertner, Cedric & Joanette Egeli           




Signature Status, American Society of Marine Artists 2017

Merit Award, Southeastern Pastel Society Member's Exhibition 2017

Award for Content & Composition, American Artist Professional League's Members Exhibition 2017


Gold Medal of Honor for Pastel, Audubon Artists 2016

League of American Pen Women, Atlanta Branch 2016 Artist of the Year

           Award for Theme & Meaning, American Artists Professional League, Members’ Landscape Show 2016


           Honorable Mention, Atlanta Fine Arts League 10th Ann. Exhibition 2015

           First Place, Atlanta Fine Arts League Southern Lights Exhibition 2015
           Artists’ Choice Award, Atlanta Fine Arts League Southern Lights Exhibition 2015
           First Place Nationally-Pastel, American Heritage Art Competition, DAR, Washington, DC 2015

           Honorable Mention, Roswell Fine Arts Alliance, 2015

           First Place, Allied Artists of America, Online Associate Members’ Show 2014

           First Place, Atlanta Fine Arts League, Member’s Exhibition 2014


           Art Spirit Foundation/Diane Bernhard Gold Medal Award for Pastel Audubon Artists 2013 Competition

           Third Place, Harbor History Museum’s Maritime Art Exhibition, 2013

           Curator’s Choice Award, Northeast National Pastel Exhibition 2013


           Gold Medal of Honor for Pastel, Audubon Artists 2012 Competition

            Pastel Society of America Award, Catherine Lorillard Wolf Art Club 116th Ann. Exhibition 2012

            Curator’s Choice Award, Art on Paper Fair, Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC 2012

            First Place for Drawing, Daughters of the American Revolution’s American Heritage Art Competition 2012

            Best Depiction of Sporting Breed, 26th Annual Art Show at the Dog Show 2012
            Best Depiction of a Poodle, 26th Annual Art Show at the Dog Show 2012

            Honorable Mention, Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, A Sense of Place 2011

            Terry Ludwig Pastel Award, Pastel Society of the West Coast, Pastels USA 25th Annual International Open Exhibition 2011
            Kitty Wallis Award, Northeast National Pastel Exhibition 2011


            Cheap Joe's Product Award, Alabama Pastel Society's Members' Exhibition 2010

            Degas Pastel Society's Scholarship Award, Degas Pastel Society, 13th Biennial Exhibition 2010

            Merit Award, Atlanta Pastel Exhibition 2010

            Judge's Choice Honorable Mention, 6th Annual Northeast National Exhibition 2010

            Outstanding Small Format Award, 6th Annual Northeast National Exhibition 2010

            Honorable Mention, Atlanta Fine Arts League, Members Exhibition 2010

            Merit Award, Alabama Pastel Society, 2010


            Diane Townsend Pastel Award, Northeastern National Pastel Exhibition 2009

            Golden Color Award, Alabama Pastel Society’s Juried Exhibition 2009

            Member of Excellence, Southeastern Pastel Society 2009


            Honorable Mention, Atlanta Fine Arts League, Simply Drawn: An Exhibition of Monochromatic Drawings 2008

            Merit Award, Southeastern Pastel Society’s 13th International Show 2008


            Best In Show, Johns Creek International Music & Arts Festival, Juried Exhibition 2007

            Second Place, Southeastern Pastel Society, Members’ Juried Exhibition 2007

            Honorable Mention, Southeastern Pastel Society, Members’ Juried Exhibition 2007

            Honorable Mention, Pastel Society of America, Juried Members’ Exhibition 2007

            First Place, Atlanta Fine Arts League, First Annual National Juried Exhibition 2007


            Juried Associate Member, Pastel Society of America 2006


             Member’s Choice Award, The Portrait Society of Atlanta, Drawings Only Exhibition 2005


             Member of Merit, The Portrait Society of Atlanta 2004

             Honorable Mention, The Portrait Society of Atlanta, Juried Portrait Exhibition 2004


             Juried Member, The Portrait Society of Atlanta, 2003


             Honorable Mention, The Portrait Society of Atlanta, Juried Portrait Exhibition 2001


             Honorable Mention, MD Pastel Society Shades of Pastel 2000


             Second Place, 6th Mid-Atlantic Regional Art Exhibition 1998

             Color Q Sponsor Award, 6th Mid-Atlantic Regional Art Exhibition 1998



Dog Days of Summer Pop-Up Show, Cheryl Newby Gallery, Pawleys Island, SC

Catharine Lorillard Wolf Art Club Members' Exhibition, On-line

American Artist Professional League's Members Show

Southeastern Pastel Society's Members Juried Exhibition, Art Station Stone Mountain, Stone Mountain, GA

American Women Artists Member's Juried Show

International Association of Pastel Societies Master Circle EXhibition, IAPS 2017 Conference, Albuquerque, NM


           An Appetite for Art, Cheryl Newby Gallery, Pawleys Island, SC

           American Artists Professional League 88th Grand National Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC

Southeastern Pastel Society, 17th International Juried Exhibition, Ogelthorpe Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA 2016

Solo Show, Cheryl Newby Gallery, Pawleys Island, SC

           American Artists Professional League Members’ Online Landscape Show 2016

Audubon Artists 74th Annual Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC

Catharine Lorillard Wolf Art Club, 120th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club, NYC

International Association of Pastel Societies 29th Juried Exhibition


American Artists Professional League 87th Grand National Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC
Audubon Artists 73rd Annual Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, New York City, NY

Atlanta Fine Arts League's 10th Anniversary Exhibition, Atlanta, GA
Pastel Society of America 43rd Annual, Salmagundi Club, New York City, NY

Catharine Lorillard Wolf Art Club, 119th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club, NYC
Atlanta Fine Arts League, Southern Lights, Ventulett Gallery, HIES, Atlanta, GA
Solo Show, Dock Dogs, Dog & Horse Fine Art, Charleston, SC
International Association of Pastel Societies 26th Annual Exhibition, NM

Southeastern Pastel Society Members Exhibition, Quinlan Arts Center, Gainesville, GA

Roswell Fine Arts Alliance, Arts Center East, Roswell, GA

Daughters of the American Revolution American Heritage Contest, Washington, DC



Atlanta Fine Arts League, Marietta Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, GA

Women Painting Women Invitational, Customs House Museum, Clarksville, TN
American Artists Professional League, 86th Grand National Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC

National Association of Women Artists New Members Exhibition, NAWA Gallery, NYC

Allied Artists of America’s 100th Anniversary Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC

Audubon Artists, 72nd Annual Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC

Atlanta Fine Arts League, Fall Juried Exhibition, Marietta Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, GA

Atlanta Fine Arts League, Spring Exhibition, Artists’ Atelier Gallery, Atlanta, GA

           Southeastern Pastel Society 16th International Exhibit, Oglethorpe Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA

           Allied Artists of America, Online Associates’ Show

           Catherine Lorillard Wolf Art Club, Members’ Show, Salmagundi Club, NYC



8th Annual Northeast National Pastel Exhibition, Old Forge, NY
Harbor History Museum’s Maritime Art Exhibition, Gig Harbor, WA
Audubon Artists 71st Annual Exhibition
International Association of Pastel Artists 2013
Connecticut Pastel Society, Slater Memorial Museum, CT
Degas Pastel Society’s 18th Members’ Exhibition, Lauren Rogers Museum of Art, Laurel, MS
Chicago Pastel Painters 4th Biennial, Highland Park, IL
Catherine Lorillard Wolf Art Club 117th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club, NYC
Southeastern Pastel Society’s Member’s Exhibition, Carrollton, GA
Atlanta Fine Arts League, Food For Thought, Quinlan Visual Arts Center, Gainesville, GA



Audubon Artists 2012 Member’s Competition
Catherine Lorillard Wolf Art Club 116th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club, NYC
Degas Pastel Society 14th Biennial National Exhibition, Covington, LA

Art on Paper Fair, Gibbes Museum of Art, Charleston, SC
Atlanta Fine Arts League Small Works Exhibition and Sale, Atlanta, GA
Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, “A Sense of Place” Exhibition, Augusta, GA
Salmagundi Club Non-member Graphics & Photography Exhibition, Denise Bibro Gallery, NYC
Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art, Metro Montage XII, Marietta, GA
Daughters of the American Revolution’s American Heritage Art Competition, Washington, DC
Customs House Museum National Juried Exhibition, Clarksville, TN
Atlanta Fine Arts League, Botanicals, Atlanta Botanical Garden, Atlanta, GA

26th Annual Art Show at the Dog Show, Wichita, KS
Customs House Museum, National Juried Exhibition, Clarksville, TN
Society of Animal Artists, Ward Woodworking Championship, Wildlife Carving Comp. & Arts     Festival, Ocean City, MD
National League of Pen Women Atlanta Chapter, Mable House Gallery, Mableton, GA



Gertrude Herbert Institute of Art, “A Sense of Place” Exhibition, Augusta, GA
Salmagundi Club Photography & Graphics Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC
Atlanta Fine Arts League 5th Annual Juried Exhibition, "Georgia Only", Roswell Visual Arts        Center Gallery, Roswell, GA

Northeast National Pastel Exhibition, Old Forge, NY

Pastel Society of the West Coast, "Pastels USA" 25th Annual International Open Exhibition, Haggin Museum, Stockton, CA
Salon International 2011, Greenhouse Gallery, San Antonio, TX


Allied Artists of America 97th Annual Exhibition 2010, National Arts Club, NYC
American Artists Professional League, 82nd Grand National Exhibition, Salmagundi Club, NYC
Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Arts Club 114th Annual Exhibition, National Arts Club, NYC
International Association of Pastel Societies Web Show 2010
Faces in the Wild 2010 Competition and Auction, New York City
Atlanta Pastel Exhibition, Papermill Gallery, Atlanta, GA
Southeastern Pastel Society's Members' Exhibition, Mable House Gallery, Mableton, GA
Degas Pastel Society, 13th Biennial National Exhibition, Baton Rouge, LA
Alabama Pastel Society, 2010 Members Exhibition, Birmingham, AL
Atlanta Fine Arts League, 4th Annual National Juried Exhibition, Sandy Springs, GA
Atlanta Fine Arts League, Simply Drawn, Roswell Visual Arts Center Gallery, Roswell , GA
Arts Guild of Old Forge, 6th Annual Northeast National Exhibition, Old Forge, NY
Southeastern Pastel Society, 14th International Juried Exhibition, Oglethorpe Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA
Atlanta Fine Arts League, Members Exhibition, Marietta Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, GA
Atlanta Artists Center, Member Shows, Atlanta, GA 2009 

Southeastern Pastel Society’s Selected Members Exhibition, Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, GA

Faces in the Wild



Competition and Auction, New York, New York
Atlanta Fine Arts League, 3rd Annual National Juried Exhibition, Observations, Roswell, GA

Southeastern Pastel Society, 2009 Juried Members” Exhibition, Lyndon House Gallery, Athens, GA

The Arts Guild of Old Forge, 5th Annual Northeast National Pastel Exhibition, Old Forge, NY

Atlanta Artists Center, Dogwood Show, Atlanta, GA

Alabama Pastel Society, Members Exhibition, Soon Bok Lee Sellers Gallery, Birmingham, AL

Atlanta Fine Arts League, 3rd Annual National Juried Exhibition, Roswell Visual Arts Center Gallery, Roswell, GA



Juried Alumni Exhibition of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia, PA

Atlanta Fine Arts League, Simply Drawn: An Exhibition of Monochromatic Drawings, Kennesaw, GA

Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 2008 Juried Alumni Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA

Southeastern Pastel Society, 13th International Juried Show, Atlanta, GA

Atlanta Fine Arts League, 2nd Annual National Juried Exhibition, Influences & Inspirations, Roswell, GA

Johns Creek International Music & Arts Festival, Juried Exhibition, Johns Creek, GA

The Atlanta Fine Arts League, Art From The Heart, The National Museum of  Patriotism, Atlanta, GA
Southeastern Pastel Society, Members’ Juried Exhibition, ART Station, Stone Mountain, GA
Pastel Society of America, Members’ Juried Exhibition,  Eastern Shore Art Association Gallery, Fairhope, AL

The Atlanta Fine Arts League, Members Exhibition, Art Station Gallery Mountain View, Marietta, GA

The Atlanta Fine Arts League First Annual National Juried Exhibition, Favorite Things, The Forum Gallery, Atlanta, GA

Summer Group Show, Fine Art Liaisons, Wayne, PA

           The Portrait Society of Atlanta Spring Juried Portrait Exhibition, Marietta Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, GA


Atlanta Fine Arts League Member Exhibition, Borders Café Gallery, Lawrenceville, GA 

Atlanta Fine Arts League Member Exhibition, The Royal Affair Café Gallery, Atlanta, GA

The Portrait Society of Atlanta's 2nd Biennial Grand Salon Exhibition, Roswell Visual Arts Center Gallery, Roswell, GA


The Portrait Society of Atlanta Drawings Only Exhibition, Art Station Gallery at Big Shanty, Kennesaw, GA

The Portrait Society of Atlanta Spring Juried Portrait Exhibition, Universal Unitarian Congregation of Atlanta Gallery, Atlanta, GA

            Dogs, Kathleen Ewing Gallery, Washington, DC

            Seventeenth Contemporary American Dog Art Competition, Dog Fanciers Club, New York, NY


Sixteenth Contemporary American Dog Art Competition, Dog Fanciers Club, New York, NY

The Portrait Society of Atlanta Fall Juried Portrait Exhibition, Roswell Fine Art Center andGallery, Roswell, GA

105th Annual Show of the Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Historic Yellow Springs, Chester Springs, PA

The Portrait Society of Atlanta Spring Juried Portrait Exhibition, Marietta/Cobb Museum of Art, Marietta, GA

Butterfly Benefit, Women of Vision, Atlanta, GA Spotlight on Southern Artists, Atlanta, GA


The Portrait Society of Atlanta Spring Juried Portrait Exhibition, Roswell Fine Art Center and Gallery, Roswell, GA

           Landscapes Group Show, Erika Reade Ltd., Atlanta, GA

           Spring Salon Show, Anne Irwin Fine Arts, Atlanta, GA

           Spotlight on Southern Artists, Marietta, GA


           The Portrait Society of Atlanta Fall Juried Portrait Exhibition, Broyels Arts Center, The Westminster School, Atlanta, GA

            Recent Paintings, Mercer House, Savannah, GA

            Group Christmas Show, Artists’ House Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

            Recent Landscapes, Urban Cottage, Atlanta, GA

            Maryland Pastel Society’s Shades of Pastel 2000, Strathmore Hall, Bethesda, MD


Recent Pastel Landscapes, Gallery Unicorn, Baltimore, MD 



101st Annual Juried Members' Exhibition The Fellowship of the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Historic Yellow Springs, Chester Springs, PA

           6th Mid-Atlantic Regional Art Exhibition, Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD

5th Annual Juried National Exhibition of the Connecticut Pastel Society, Renaissance in Pastel, Paul Mellon Arts Center Gallery, Wallingford, CT

           Recent Pastel Landscapes Group Show, Borders Books, Center City, Philadelphia, PA

           135th Annual Juried Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings, Philadelphia Sketch Club,  Philadelphia, PA


Pastel Landscapes, Artists' House Gallery, Philadelphia, PA

4th Annual Juried National Exhibition of the Connecticut Pastel Society, Renaissance in Pastel, Paul Mellon Arts Center Gallery, Wallingford, CT

134th Annual Juried Exhibition of Small Oil Paintings, Philadelphia Sketch Club, Phila., PA


Art in the Park, Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia, PA

           38th Annual Hendersonville Art Show, Hendersonville, NC





Gibbes Museum of Art
Marietta Cobb Museum of Art

Customs House Museum

Harbor History Museum

           Gertrude Herbert Museum




CORPORATE COLLECTIONS                                


           Fox Dr. Ruth O'Regan, Director of Breast Cancer Research, Emory Univ., Atlanta, GA

           Reverend Don Harp, Peachtree United Methodist Church, Atlanta, GA

           Mayor Eva Galambos, Sandy Springs, GA
           Atlanta Hematology/Oncology Associates, Atlanta, GA

           Astra-Zeneca Pharmaceutical Company, Philadelphia, PA

           Portrait of Mayor R.G. Kelley, Merle Manders Conference Center, Stockbridge, GA

           Portrait of the late Dr. Levi Stockbridge, Founder, Merle Manders Conference Center, Stockbridge, GA

           Portrait of the late Dr. Jesse T. Nicholson, Division of Orthopaedic Surgery, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA           

           The Honorable Vice-Chancellor Jack B. Jacobs, Court of Chancery Wilmington, DE
           David Loeb of Merryl Lynch, Elkins Park, PA





Rapid Fire Tools
Love and Hip Hop Atlanta Season 5
Cartoon Network
Fox 2000 Pictures
Atlanta Home Improvement Magazine, Crafty Ideas monthly column, 2001- 2004

           HOMESTORE.COM & AOL, Home Grown Décor, bi-monthly column 2000-2001

           Second Home Magazine, Stomping Ground column, Weisner Publications, Atlanta, GA 1999

           RABIES Flyer, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania Health Department, 1997

Medical Illustration for article, Van Nes rotationplasty and re-plantation for a traumatic above-knee amputation in a child., Pediatric Orthopaedic Society of       North America, Phoenix, AZ  1996





 Art Journey Animals: A Collection of Inspiring Contemporary Masterworks, North Light Books 2017
 Simply Buckhead, May 2017

 Strokes of Genius 5: The Best of Drawing, North Light Books, published October 2013

            Strokes of Genius 3: The Best of Drawing, North Light Books, published October 2011

            Northside Neighbor, “Drawing Praise”, by Laura Braddick, June 24, 2009

            Southern Seasons Magazine, “ Lisa Gleim Born To Paint”, Summer 2008

            Strokes of Genius: The Best of Drawing, North Light Books, published August 2007

            Marietta Daily Journal, "Artists paint portraits of fallen U.S. soldiers” by Amanda Crissup, April 4, 2007
            Atlanta Journal-Constitution, "Portraits Honor State's Fallen Troops, Families" by Tucker McQueen, March 24, 2007
            11Alive News, “Good People:Art From the Heart" by Brenda Wood, March 23, 2007
            Atlanta Magazine, "Atlanta 101:101Great Gifts 2005", by Kimberly Dimson, December 2005

            FOLIO Magazine, “Member Spotlight: Lisa Gleim”, by Pat Aube Gray, Winter 2005

            Points North Magazine, “2004 Holiday Gift Guide”, November 2004                                   

            Atlanta Home Improvement, “Portraying Atlanta's Artists”, by Karon Warren, November 2003

            The Piedmont Review, “Lisa Gleim; Capturing your Pet”, by Carrie Whitney, Vol. 9, No. 10, October 2002

            The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, “Portrait of a Fallen Hero”, by Don Plummer, September 5, 2002

            The Marietta Daily Journal, “Portrait of a Hero”, by Andrea Yeaman

            The Journal News, “Fireman’s Memory: Portrait of his Smile” by Blair Craddock, August 27, 2002

            Dan Rottenberg's Philadelphia Forum, "Surreal Students" by Andrew Mangravite, Volume 1, No. 16, June 1996           



Paragon One Advisor, Present

President, Southeastern Pastel Society 2016-2018
Associate Board Member for the American Artists Professional League

Juror for the Big Brother/Big Sister’s National Youth Art Competition 2015, 2016, 2017

Cecelia Beaux Forum of the Portrait Society of America Exhibition Committee Head 2008-2013

Juror for the Atlanta Arts Festival 2010, 2012, 2015
Juror for the Virginia Highland Fest 2011
Cecelia Beaux Forum of the Portrait Society of America Exhibition Committee Member 2005-2008
Pastel Demonstration for the Southeastern Pastel Society, May 2008, 2016

           Juror for The Art Place Gallery Marietta, College Juried Exhibition 2008

           Co-Founder of the Atlanta Fine Arts League, Inc. 2005

Creator of Art From The Heart Portrait Project for the Atlanta Fine Arts League 2005
Lost Dreams on Canvas Project

Portrait Project 9/11 2002



            Cheryl Newby Gallery, Pawleys Island, SC

            Atlanta Artist Collective, Atlanta, GA

            Portraits South

© 2024 Lisa Gleim    Atlanta

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